What does it take to be a super star? (Music Mp3 Download)

The dream of many people in life is to succeed at whatever they set their minds to do. In fact,  for some it is not enough to succeed but to stand out amongst the success stories. Hence, the drive to do whatever it takes to get to the top and remain there.

In the world of entertainment, success is measured by your popularity and influence; this in turn is a function of your works. Particularly in the Music and movie industry where it takes a lot of hardwork and something extra to get to the top. The acceptance and appreciation of fans leads to idolization with all its attendant reward.

It is easy to see the glitz and glamour that surround so many superstars who have made it to the top, but what does it really take to get to the top and remain there? It is true that not everyone of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth, in fact, if you have the opportunity of talking to some of the superstars around, they will tell you that to be a man is not easy, in this case, to be a superstar is not easy. A lot of them will tell you tales of hunger and pain, tales of rejection and dejection, of resilience and reward. They were forged in the furnace of hard life.

Yes, the basic ingredient is talent, but as they always say, talent is not enough. Your talent will only announce you but it will not get you to the top and keep you there. To get to the top, you will need all the help you can get apart from your talent. You will need to spread your net everywhere to connect with the right people in the right places or those that know them to make things happen.

You will need money. Whether you get it from NetBet or from the Central Bank of Nigeria is a matter of choice, but you will need plenty money. Superstars are multimillion-naira investments. They are funded by either family and friends, or institutions that believe in their talents, something that is largely lacking in Nigeria. Then you will need a lot of patience and character. Character will keep you going when it seems like everything is going south and unbelievably, this happens more often than not but that is the truth. Character entails that you keep a level head when the fingers of fame begin to tickle you, it is easy and faster to fall than rise and believe it, many enemies will spring from nowhere to attempt a pulling down. Keeping everything under control will really be in your best interest.

So, to become a superstar, start with the dream, and then build your dream on your talent, hard work, goodwill, and a dedication that cannot be derailed. Though the Nigerian society presents mountain of challenges that needs to be surmounted, future superstars should be comforted in the knowledge that there are people who have gone the route before them and succeeded. The Nigerian audience is a supporting one that will push your dreams to the highest heavens.

About Michael 9827 Articles
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