King & Prince – Re:Sense ALBUM (Music Mp3 Download)

King & Prince ReSense ALBUM ZIP DOWNLOAD

You can Download King & Prince – Re:Sense Album for free Zip and Mp3

King & Prince produces another Album project titled “Re:Sense” and it’s right here for your fast Album Zip File Download. King & Prince – ReSense Album Download.


  1. 僕らのGreat Journey
  2. ユメラブ (You, Me, Love)
  4. Magic Touch
  5. Lost in Love
  6. サマーデイズ (Summer Days)
  7. 幸せがよく似合うひと (Shiawase Ga Yoku Niau Hito)
  8. Beating Hearts
  9. Koiは優しくない
  10. フィジャディバ グラビボ ブラジポテト! (Fija Diva Gravibo Brazi Potato!)
  11. ツッパリ魂 (Tsuppari Tamashii)
  12. Body Paint
  13. Dance to the music
  14. I promise
  15. 花束 (Hanataba)
  16. Namae Oshiete
  17. Dear My Tiara

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